Flare.build joins the Mobile Native Foundation

Flare is very excited to announce our support for the Mobile Native Foundation:

a place to collaborate on open source projects and discuss wide ranging topics in order to improve processes and technologies for large-scale Android and iOS applications.

We look forward to collaborating with the community on many projects related to our core vision of decreasing friction and boosting productivity for teams creating applications at scale. In particular we aim to contribute some of our solutions around scalable remote builds as well as collaborate with key community members on a standardized mechanism for sharing and visualizing build & test metrics with an emphasis on large-scale mobile teams.

We discuss the Mobile Native Foundation with Keith Smiley on our recent episode of The Bazel Show, be sure to check it out for additional insight as well as an inside look into some of the issues around building iOS applications at scale using Bazel.

More exciting announcements coming soon!


Flare.build: more than a Bazel company